1:00 p.m.
Introduction to Cyber Security
Uday Ali Pabrai, MSEE, CISSP
Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder, ecfirst, (Home of HIPAA Academy), Irvine, CA
Speaker Bio
Ali Pabrai, MSEE, CISSP (ISSAP, ISSMP), Security +, is the CEO of ecfirst. A highly sought after information security and regulatory compliance expert, who has successfully delivered solutions on compliance and information security to organizations worldwide. Mr. Pabrai has presented opening keynote and other sessions at several conferences, including ISACA, ISSA, FBI InfraGard, HIMSS, HCFA, HIPAA Summit, Microsoft Tech Forum, NASEBA Healthcare Congress (Middle East), Kingdom Healthcare (Saudia Arabia), Internet World, DCI Expo, Comdex, Net Secure, Nurse Practitioners Conference, National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP), National Council for State Board of Nursing IT Conference, and many others.