Increase your Visibility and Connect with Every Summit Attendee!
Advertising space in the official conference binder will provide you with invaluable exposure before the entire meeting attendance. Every guest will receive a binder with handouts. They will refer to it frequently. Many will even keep it as a handy reference volume. Each time these powerful decision makers page through this official publication they will see your ad and remember your product!
Ad Unit Dimensions Price
full page four color 7" x 10" - $1,600
full page black/white 7" x 10" - $800
Door Drops and Tote Bag Inserts available for grantors and exhibitors.
Company to provides their own marketing piece
Please contact Joni Lipson at or 800-546-3750 for more information.
Reproduction Requirements
Printed Offset
NO Bleeds
Line screen is 150-175
Preferred materials: negatives, right-reading, emulsion side down. All reproduction materials must have register marks, center marks, and trim marks. Each negative must be marked for color.
COLOR ADS must be accompanied by 2 sets of progressive proofs and 2 final proofs or Chromalin proofs.
Color rotation is Magenta, Yellow, Black, Cyan.
We can accept ELECTRONIC FILES on disk or by e-mail. Files must be accompanied
by laser proofs, or color proofs as specified above. Please see guidelines in the column
at left.
Disposition of Materials
Materials will be held one year from last insertion and then destroyed unless we are specifically instructed otherwise.
Deadline for Materials
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Guidelines for Electronic File Output
File Types Accepted - Mac or PC:
Illustrator, Photoshop, PageMaker, Freehand, QuarkXPress
No Word documents please.
Media Accepted:
Jaz, Zip, CD ROM, Floppy
If sending by e-mail please use Stuffit to compress the files.
Please e-mail files to Joni Lipson at
Please Send:
- A printed directory of what is contained on the disk.
- All necessary proofs (see other information on this page).
- All individually placed artwork (EPS, TIFF etc.). Do not embed the graphics into the file.
General Information:
- We cannot edit text once it has been converted to paths.
- Scanned images for color and greyscale must be 300 dpi at 100%.
- Do not increase the image size in the application as this will decrease the resolution.
- Scanned line art and type must be 1200 dpi at 100%.
- Scans should be saved to disk as EPS or TIFF files. Be sure to convert scanned color images to CMYK before saving to disk; RGB is not acceptable. Use greyscale TIFFs for B&W halftones and bitmap for black line art.
- No PICTs, JPEGs or GIFs.