HIPAA regulation Summit
HIPAA regulation Summit
HIPAA regulation Summit
HIPAA regulation Summit
HIPAA regulation Summit
HIPAA regulation Summit

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The HIPAA Summit does not contract with any third party organization to make hotel reservations for attendees of the Summit. All attendees should make their hotel reservations directly with the hotel and not with a third party vendor.

The Grand Hyatt Washington is the official hotel for the 26th National HIPAA Summit.

A special group rate of $339.00 single/double per night (plus applicable taxes) has been arranged for Summit Attendees.

A dedicated website is now available for you to make or modify your group-rate reservations online.

To make your online reservation please click here.

Reservations at the group rate will be accepted while rooms are available or until the cut-off date of Tuesday, March 7, 2017. After this date, reservations will be accepted on a space-available basis at the prevailing rate.

    The Grand Hyatt Washington
    1000 H Street North West
    Washington, DC 20001 USA

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Registration | HIPAA Award Winners | Admin | Grantors & Exhibitors | Travel/Hotel
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