HIPAA regulation Summit
HIPAA regulation Summit
HIPAA regulation Summit
HIPAA regulation Summit
HIPAA regulation Summit
HIPAA regulation Summit

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HIPAA Summit Innovation Showcase

The HIPAA Summit is pleased to offer an Innovation Showcase. The purpose of this session is to give an overview of a specific solution offered by your company that is directly relevant to healthcare privacy or security. It is not designed to be a general commercial for a company. The Innovation Showcase will be a plenary session with each presenter having a maximum of 5 minutes for a brief presentation. A PowerPoint presentation may be used, but we will review and approve it ahead of time to ensure that the quantity of slides presented is consistent with the purpose of the session and the time allotted. Priority will be given to Grantor companies (for more information about being a Grantor, Click Here).

  1. To apply to participate in the Innovation Showcase, you must click here to complete the application form and submit it us no later than Friday, February 24, 2017.

  2. Participants in the Innovation Showcase will be announced no later than Friday, March 3, 2017.

  3. Each presenter will have 5 minutes (or perhaps up to 6 or 7 minutes depending on the final total number of presenters) to present, including slides.

  4. Each presenter will be timed and the time limit will be enforced. The microphones will be shut off at the end of the presenter's time. A speaker timer visible to each presenter and the presenter will be given a one minute notice prior to the lapse of the presentation time.

  5. Each presenter's PowerPoint presentation must be submitted for review no later than Friday, March 10, 2017.

  6. The number of slides in the presentation should reasonably reflect the allotted time. The recommendation is no more than 2 slides per minute, and the ideal is a slide every 90 seconds. Presentations should be between 5 and 10 slides, at most.

  7. If the presenter submits too many slides, we will suggest edits and you will have an opportunity to resubmit a final deck no later than Friday, March 17, 2016.

Such an Innovation Showcase was recently offered at the recent Fifth National Bundled Payment Summit, www.BundledPaymentSummit.com, June 3 - 5, 2015 at the Ritz-Carlton, Washington, DC and was well received by both presenters and attendees.

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