The HIPAA Summit
The much-anticipated final HIPAA privacy regulations were issued on December 20, 2000. The regulations were made applicable to all individually identifiable health information, regardless of whether the information is or has been in electronic form. These regulations will profoundly affect many aspects of the financing and delivery of healthcare in the United States.
In October of 2000, over 1,300 registrants attended the First National HIPAA Summit in Washington, D.C. The Summit is now being reconvened with an expert faculty of approximately 125 to analyze the implications of the Final HIPAA privacy regulations.
HIPAA Summit Course Objectives:
- Provide a Basic Background to the HIPAA Law and Regulations
- Analyze the Differences Between the Proposed and Final HIPAA
Privacy Regulations
- Articulate Basic HIPAA Compliance Strategies
- Describe Prominent MultiInstitutional and/or Regional Approaches to HIPAA Compliance
- Assess the Implications of the HIPAA Privacy Regulations to Various Sectors of the Healthcare System
- Share Case Studies of Organizational Approaches to HIPAA Compliance
WEDI Policy Advisory Forum
February 26-27, 2001
In response to the recent release of the final HIPAA rule on Privacy, the Workgroup on Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI) will be conducting a Policy Advisory Forum on February 26-27, 2001 at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, DC. The program is being coordinated with the Second National HIPAA Summit which will be held on February 28-March 2 at the same location. The primary focus of this Forum will be to review and discuss in detail the key regulatory issues contained in the Final Rule, examine the major changes in the rule from the earlier NPRM and to make recommendations for consideration by the WEDI Board of Directors for subsequent submission to the Secretary, HHS.
Full details on program registration and hotel accomodations may be found on the WEDI website at This is a very important industry forum dealing with a complex and controversial regulation - your participation and input is invited. Please contact WEDI at 703-391-2743 for additional information or visit our website.
Who Should Attend:
The planning and implementation of HIPAA requires a joint effort of healthcare executives throughout your organization. Therefore, team attendance is encouraged. Specifically, the Summit will benefit healthcare leadership teams from hospitals, healthcare systems, health plans, TPAs, insurance companies, physician groups, government agencies, consulting firms and others including the following individuals:
- Chief Executive Officers
- Chief Operating Officers
- Chief Technology Officers
- Chief Financial Officers
- Compliance Officers
- Health Law Attorneys
- Medical Directors
- Physicians
- Managed Care Professionals
- Medical Group Managers
- Data Managers
- Ethics Officers
- Health Insurance Executives
- Consultants
- Government Agency Employees
- Health Administration Faculty
- Risk Managers
- Pharmacists
- Quality Assurance Professionals
- Registered Nurses
- Long Term Care Professionals
- Billing and Coding Professionals
- Third Party Billing Professionals